Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Update

I am just about finished with day 5! I arrived safely and so did my luggage. I have been adjusting, seeing the city, learning new things and learning even a little bit of the language! I can count to 5, say hello and goodbye and I know how to say a few days of the week!

We have had three days of registration for English classes. I administered tests for a few people and got to have conversations with them afterward. We have about 80 people signed up for classes that start this Monday. I am going to be teaching level 3. Good thing I know English!  I also am learning how to make coffee, cappuccinos, lattes and other things!

Adjusting has been going well. A lot of things remind me of southern Russia when we first moved there. I actually learned how to make bread just this afternoon.

I have taken just a few pictures so far:

This is my room :)

This is the view from my room
This is the view of the city from one of the mountains that surrounds it on all sides.
Stacy and Michele are the other single ladies here. We went up this mountain on my first day!
More to come! Thank you for your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pictures... I had to giggle at the view from your room:) Beautiful view from the mountains though! Sounds like you are very busy with lots of interesting things. We will be thinking of you Monday as you begin! Love Mom
