Friday, September 24, 2010


Adjusting to the way of life here hasn’t been too bad. The electricity is only on at sometimes. The neighborhood has a generator and the government also supplies electricity during part of the day. We can only use the washer, blow driers and other appliances when there is government electricity though.  I am also learning to get used to cold showers.  Thankfully, the weather here is very warm and dry.  

Many things here remind me of when we lived in southern Russia. Some of the products at the grocery store are the same, and we are lacking in the same things as well. I actually learned how to make my own bread the other day!  The food here is pretty good though: lots of rice, bread, vegetables and fruits. They do use a lot of oil however. The tea and pastries are amazing. 

I have gotten to know my team here pretty well so far. They are all very nice and helpful in terms of adjusting and learning about the culture here.  

English classes have begun. We teach on Mondays and Wednesdays. My first class was a little bit shaky, but I know it can only get better.  We have our coffee shop night on Thursdays, so that our students can come and practice lots of conversational English and that we might build relationships with them in order to share with them.  I am also learning how to make cappuccinos, lattes and macchiatos. I am excited to start baking for the shop as well. 

It has been a little difficult trying to figure out how to act, what to say and how to simply live in this new culture. It is also challenging for me to be outgoing sometimes, as I am often shy. The Lord has placed several verses on my heart

Psalm 37:3-7 Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in Him and He will act.

Psalm 34:4-5 I sought the LORD and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Out in the Country

Housing for widows from the occurrences in the late 80s

The black parts of ground are due to fires in the summer.
The faint faint faint mountains in the distance are the mountains of our neighboring country. No worries, we did not go hiking and wandering...
Local food!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First Update

I am just about finished with day 5! I arrived safely and so did my luggage. I have been adjusting, seeing the city, learning new things and learning even a little bit of the language! I can count to 5, say hello and goodbye and I know how to say a few days of the week!

We have had three days of registration for English classes. I administered tests for a few people and got to have conversations with them afterward. We have about 80 people signed up for classes that start this Monday. I am going to be teaching level 3. Good thing I know English!  I also am learning how to make coffee, cappuccinos, lattes and other things!

Adjusting has been going well. A lot of things remind me of southern Russia when we first moved there. I actually learned how to make bread just this afternoon.

I have taken just a few pictures so far:

This is my room :)

This is the view from my room
This is the view of the city from one of the mountains that surrounds it on all sides.
Stacy and Michele are the other single ladies here. We went up this mountain on my first day!
More to come! Thank you for your prayers!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Just waiting to go . I am spending my wait in Kandern with my parents and two youngest brothers. It has been pretty good, but I am getting anxious to go. I am a little nervous about traveling there. I have to switch in Istanbul and check in again. So I am just praying that I do everything right!

I'll update more once I get there!